Big Dragon Energy
Big Dragon Energy
Big Dragon Energy is a new side project exploring different genres. BDE completed their first show January 19th, 2024 at Cafecito Bonito for the Lights down Low show with Arciniega Street Productions. The show sold out and explored R&B throughout the decades.
Check out our Calendar! Easily clickable to check out what we’ve been up to and where we’ve been playing!
Amplify Alaska in Juneau!
We are coming together to support Áak'w Rock (Juneau, Alaska, September 21-23, 2023) - the only indigenous music festival in the country!
You can get both your virtual and affordable in person tickets at
Online tickets are FREE!
Underground Connection Presents: Witty Youngman
Whitney “Witty” Youngman is a singer/songwriter whose influences include old soul and old country music. A feature of the Anchorage downtown music scene, she made her first appearance at open mics in 2014 and has gained widespread notoriety ever since. She is currently finishing up her EP with Frostline Studios in Anchorage and was recently featured in the Amplify Alaska podcast.