Big Dragon Energy
Big Dragon Energy
Big Dragon Energy is a new side project exploring different genres. BDE completed their first show January 19th, 2024 at Cafecito Bonito for the Lights down Low show with Arciniega Street Productions. The show sold out and explored R&B throughout the decades.
Check out our Calendar! Easily clickable to check out what we’ve been up to and where we’ve been playing!
Arctic Entries: Stories of Companionship, Comraderie, and Belonging
In the spirit of This American Life, The Moth, and other storytelling events, Arctic Entries brings Alaskans to the stage to share their personal stories: funny, sad and sweet. At every performance, seven people each tell a seven-minute long true story about themselves relating to the show’s theme. Performances by local musicians punctuate the show. Net proceeds from ticket sales go to a non-profit partner selected at the beginning of each season.
Anchorage Folk Fest: Main Stage Set!
Witty plays the Anchorage Folk Fest Mainstage! This is a short, 15 minute set of originals.